Sinoalice nier
Sinoalice nier

sinoalice nier

The despair for the meaning of her existence causes her to fade away. Once Simone is defeated for the last time, she realizes that she had long forgotten her original motive for seeking beauty in the first place and regrets her actions she committed. The player continues to battle against Simone throughout the story, as the Library can continuously revive her due to the determination of her desire. Using her songs, Simone can summon Nightmares to aid her in battle. If the player uses any character other than 2B, Simone's dialogue can be heard during the first, fifth, eighth, and twelve verses of the story mode. Similarly to the other beings in the Library, she was summoned to the Library due to a desire, her desire being to kill so she can be beautiful. Simone is the main antagonist of the Nier: Automata collaboration event for the mobile game SINoAlice. When she is killed, Simone's thoughts are read describing her pleas for somebody to look her way. When Simone attempts to hack 9S and vise versa, parts of Simone's backstory is revealed, showing her both before and after she began killing machines for parts to woo Jean-Paul. Simone's role plays exactly the same way as she did in Route A, although her boss fight has a larger health bar and is now at level 39.

sinoalice nier

Afterwards, 2B and 9S are thanked by the park machines for putting an end to Simone's cannibalistic ways. Upon her death, all remaining androids have their hard drives immediately fried.

sinoalice nier

Once she is weak enough, Pod 042 fires a laser straight through Simone that kills her instantly, but not before visualizing Jean-Paul reaching out for her. After she comes back out, 9S analyzes Simone's hacking program and weakens her by hacking her back. Halfway into the battle, Simone retreats to the stage and attempts to hack the two androids, while also bringing out her possessed androids to attack the duo. Simone attacks by firing rockets, energy orbs, and laser beams from her dress. When they reach the Main Stage, Simone reveals herself and begins attacking them. Using her mind possessed androids, Simone lures 2B and 9S to the amusement park to be her next victims while they investigate the signal, believing them to be surviving resistance members of their YoRHa fleet. Instead of killing the skinned androids, she hacks into their system and turns them into weapons to lure more androids into her lair. Simone's sanity continued to dwindle as she continuously tries to gain Jean-Paul's attention, going as far as cannibalizing androids for their "flesh", believing that eating enough would make herself more beautiful. Simone accentuated her beauty with parts of her machine friends, but Jean-Paul continued ignoring her. Simone decided that in order to get Jean-Paul to love her, she must become beautiful. Despite Simone's efforts to win Jean-Paul's affections, he paid little attention to her, as he was uninterested in romance. Simone was once a ordinary machine lifeform who fell in love with another machine lifeform named Jean-Paul. She also laughs sadistically whenever 2B and 9S are damaged by her attacks. By the time 2B and 9S reach her, it is shown how much Simone's obsession for beauty turned her into a psychotic robotic cannibal, desiring any sort of adornment to make herself more beautiful.


From the other machines' rumors, she knew that collecting the flower on the cliff or eating android "flesh" would not solve anything, but was eager to try. Little is known about Simone's personality as an ordinary machine, though she was desperate to obtain Jean-Paul's affections even with him failing to appreciate her. Also under her dress is a large deformed second body with a large fanged mouth and two sharp arms. Underneath her dress is a compile of feet, which extract from under her dress whenever she jumps around the arena. Several skinned androids can be seen attached to her dress in a circular pattern and two are hanging from both sides of the top of her crown. She dangles a pink strip of fabric from the back of her helmet like hair, and another strip that covers her dress. After her obsession with Jean-Paul grew, she altered her regular robot appearance into that of a slender woman wearing a metallic ball gown and opera crown. Simone at first was a regular machine lifeform similar to any other seen in the game.

Sinoalice nier